Amplify Science
Amplify Science is the core science curriculum used in SBPS for grades 6-8. Amplify addresses the Next Generation Science Standards through the following disciplines: Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, and Engineering Design.
Each grade level has a set of units that build knowledge across disciplines, so that past learning is connected to new concepts, applied to new phenomena, and further developed in each successive year.
6th Grade Units
Metabolism Engineering Internship
Traits and Reproduction
Thermal Energy
Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate
Weather Patterns
Earth’s Changing Climate
Earth’s Changing Climate Engineering Internship
7th Grade Units
Geology on Mars
Plate Motion
Plate Motion Engineering Internship
Rock Transformations
Phase Change
Phase Change Engineering Internship
Chemical Reactions
Populations and Resources
Matter and Energy in Ecosystems
8th Grade Units